Dedicated to improving life quality for millions of people suffering from diabetes
Dedicated to improving life quality for millions of people suffering from diabetes, Pancryos is developing a next generation stem cell derived cell therapy PanINSULA™

The beta cell has been designed by nature to maintain blood glucose at the optimal level. Insulin therapy, CGMs and insulin pumps try to mimic the function of the beta cell and require the patient or a computer to perform many of the steps such as testing blood, evaluating the results and administering insulin. Beta cell therapy aims to provide the same glucose control as the islet with no outside intervention, to control and cure diabetes by sensing changes in blood glucose and producing Insulin. Naturally.

Pancryos is a spin out from the University of Copenhagen based on research conducted at the Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Stem Cell Biology (DanStem).
Pancryos is developing a next generation stem cell derived allogeneic cell therapy for type 1 diabetes

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